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Re: Rechartering the OpenPGP WG

2008-01-17 19:27:36

On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 12:45:39PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:

Happy New Year everyone.

At the IETF in Vancouver last month Sam Hartman said that he'd
welcome a rechartering discussion to allow us to continue to
work.  So before I start writing up a charter and milestones,
please pipe up if:

1) You are working on a draft that you think should be in the WG
2) You are thinking of working on a draft in the near future
   that you think should be in the WG
3) You have a working item topic that you'd like the WG to handle
   but you're not working on a draft yet but would like to get
   someone to work on.

Obviously #1 and #2 take significant precedence over #3.  In
addition, please provide time estimates for how much work
you suspect the draft will take (so we can set up appropriate
WG milestones).

Please respond in the next week so I can collect the responses
and work on an updated WG Charter.

I have the Camellia draft (new one coming in a few days - thanks to
everyone for all the comments), and Len Sassaman mentioned Whirlpool.
If the charter can be written that way, I think a good addition would
be a general statement about adding (or rejecting) new algorithms as
they come up.
