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Re: [openpgp] Proposal to include AEAD OCB mode to 4880bis

2017-10-31 10:49:34

On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 02:33, sandals(_at_)crustytoothpaste(_dot_)net said:

GnuPG relies on libgcrypt for cryptographic functionality.  On Debian,
libgcrypt is linked into Xorg, which is often linked to proprietary
software such as graphics drivers.  Since Debian cannot avail itself of

There are no proprietary drivers in Debian.  Further it is not instantly
possible to decide what makes up a derivative work, "linking" would be
just one data point but even that term "linking" is not well defined.

license 1 prohibits uses with proprietary software, Debian's GnuPG is
unlikely to have support for OCB unless Debian ships two separate copies

GnuPG already uses OCB for the private key storage format and will
protect keys using this format if you use --enable-extended-key-format.
Eventually this will be the default key storage format for private keys.


I remain wholly opposed to including OCB in the OpenPGP specification,

Do you prefer that we put a "2 - reserved for OCB" into the specs and
have an I-D to specify the oue of OCB in OpenPGP?  This would make the
life for implementors and auditors harder.



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