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Re: [openpgp] Overhauling User IDs / Standardizing User Attributes (was: Re: Scoped trust (signatures))

2018-05-27 17:55:40
Then, the “I have this account on this website”, that can be seen eg.
and is the point that, as far as I understand, lead to the birth of (which did show some traction). It could be handled by a
“account-on” that would store both a domain name (for the website) and a

Been there, done that:
It's also implemented and deployed as an experimental feature in OpenKeychain.

As a more general note, it would be nice if we could drop the requirement to
have at least one (unsigned) user id, in which case the primary key gets its
properties from a (then mandatory) direct key signature. For key distribution
models other than searchable-by-uid keyservers (including autocrypt and wkd),
user ids can quickly become unnecessary metadata.

 - V

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