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Re: [openpgp] Put Signature in an Email's Header

2020-12-11 04:22:33
On 11.12.20 11:14, Neal H. Walfield wrote:
On Fri, 11 Dec 2020 10:03:44 +0100,
Wiktor Kwapisiewicz wrote:
On 11.12.2020 09:58, Hanno Böck wrote:
FWIW I have heard lots of complains about the signature attachment,
which is why I stopped sending signed emails by default a long time ago.

Too bad signatures cannot be put into headers (just like DKIM
signatures). That would not confuse people (because they generally
don't inspect headers) while providing necessary info for clients that
understand them.

When you say cannot, I think you mean there is no standard to so.
Technically, I think, it is possible, and it is a neat idea.

It's a nice idea, but it's also new, so it's not practical as the single mechanism to use in the immediate future.

Preserving compatiblity with a majority of existing implementations is a high priority for me, and using the gpg-keys attachment mechanism seems best to achieve that.


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