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Re: [openpgp] Possible ambiguity in description of regular expressions: [^][]

2021-01-05 09:33:55
On Sun 2020-12-27 11:57:32 +0100, Neal H. Walfield wrote:
We need to exclude [^] as well.

good catch!


+A range is a non-empty sequence of characters excluding the optional
leading ^ enclosed in '[]'.

This seems like pretty confusing wording to me, because i can't tell how
to connect "non-empty" with "excluding" and "optional".  Maybe a
concrete example of what we're trying to fix would also help?  something

    In particular, '[]' and '[^]' are not valid ranges.

I'd be happy if folks can exchange wordsmithing ideas on the list here.

But beyond the wordsmithing, if anyone thinks that Neal's interpretation
(or my proposed clarification) is actually wrong or problematic, please
speak up!


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