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Re: [openpgp] Possible ambiguity in description of regular expressions: [^][]

2021-01-10 12:52:27
On Sat 2021-01-09 23:49:36 +0100, Ángel wrote:
Realistically, there are some things that can only be achieved with
"structured User ID", and rfc4480bis should probably have some more
focus on that.

Given our charter, i'm not convinced that any of this (including my
merge request, mentioned above) is in scope for the intended
cryptographic refresh of RFC 4880, so i dont think it belongs ultimately
in rfc4880bis.

Are you thinking on a separate RFC or as an amendment that could be
combined later into the same document?

I think this would be a separate draft, which the WG isn't currently
chartered to adopt.  Assuming that we can effectively complete the
cryptographic refresh, though, it seems reasonable to think that the WG
would recharter to adopt and publish clarifications/improvements like
this one.


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