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Re: [openpgp] Possible ambiguity in description of regular expressions: [^][]

2021-01-08 10:55:20
On 08/01/2021 00:29, Ángel wrote:
Regular expressions are a little-used feature, and the "natural" way to
write them would conform to both of those specifications. It is
unlikely that someone would have restricted a trust value based on the
presence of curly brackets on an User ID (they are legal in the local
part of email addresses, even unquoted, but it would be very rare to
find one). Equally, it would be strange to needlessly escape

It strikes me that regexes are an overengineered solution to a narrow use case, and that a simple *? globbing language would be more than sufficient. Is anything more complex than <*@*> required in the real world?

Andrew Gallagher

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