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OPES protocols ?

2001-02-09 17:55:31
The OPES proposed charter states the following:
2.      A "service delivery" protocol for delivering the services or service
descriptions to be preformed by the OPES facility or/and its
cooperating servers.

What are the requirements to achieve this ?
- Discovery of an OPES box and its characteristics ( WEBI )
- Description of the OPES services
- Service delivery mechanism supporting multiple transports (1-1, 1-many)
- Rule base needs to be delivered to the OPES box. Is there a published
format or object APIs
for the rule base, or just standardize the delivery of the rule modules ?

- What else ?

Additionally http://draft-tomlinson-epsfw-00.txt shows the Administrative
I assume that the intend is to have an OPES box from company A communicates
w/ Administration Server from 
company B. Are there any protocols, accounting requirements defined ?


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