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Proxylet Downloading and metadata

2001-03-04 03:53:29

    After going through the mailing list, I come to conclusion that we can have 
proxylet execution on both local( where rule base has matched) and some other 
    When it is local execution, proxylet needs to be downloaded from proxylet 
vendor. For downloading proxylet, proxylet location is required which is 
obtained from proxylet metadata.So, first, proxylet metadata has to be 
downloaded from proxylet vendor.Then using the "location" element, proxylet is 
downloaded. And service offered by this proxylet is obtained by specifying 
    "Action" element as 
    <Action> proxylet:\\localhost\proxyletp1 </Action>
    Now when we are going to have proxylet execution on some other server, how 
things are different ?
 1. To have information regarding execution environment , proxylet metadata is 
required . This will have information about location of proxylet.How admin 
server is going to use this information ( in case of proxylet execution on some 
other server) ?
 2.      <Action> proxylet:\\diff-server\proxyletp1 </Action>
 Does the "diff-server" mean different opes box within the same Administrative 
domain ?
 Please clarify ..