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RE: Start on OPES protocol work

2003-02-16 16:40:48

Thanks for the explanation of what happened to the BOF-era material; my
bookmarks to it no longer work, so it was confusing.  I see that it is
on the new webpage, under "non WG".  It's really a shame, though, that
it wasn't possible to make the domain work transparently.
Overall, I think that in a practical sense, interoperability on the Internet
is being badly eroded, but that's a rant for another place.

I see that we already have a draft about using OPES and web services in
that non WG area:

I think it probably serves as a reasonable starting point for the part of
the discussion, though it seems long on format and short on motivation.
It also seems to be proposing extensions to SOAP in order to provide random
access to message parts.  Is that right - SOAP messages don't normally
use a manifest?


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