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Re: OPES protocol, pre-draft

2003-03-18 10:36:06

bindignavile(_dot_)srinivas(_at_)nokia(_dot_)com wrote:

Hi, I always thought of the OPES processor as an L7 switch (as in
Markus's view) with limited storage capability.

I do *not* assume that this is always the case, that's only one specific implementation form. An OPES processor can also be implemented on a Web cache or Web proxy. Point is that our protocol should be designed so that it can support these different forms of implementations - the L7-style form with limited buffer capacity, as well as a WEb cache based approach with more storage capacity. It seems that the current proposal covers these different forms reasonable well.

As a first attempt, I vote that the protocol that this WG comes out
with considers the OPES processor as a bare-bones L7 switch,
without much storage capability!

We should not limit ourselves to one or the other specific implementation form, our protocol should work in either case.


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