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RE: copying commitment and deadlock

2003-03-25 10:00:16

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Abbie Barbir wrote:

Can u please provide a scenario

Scenario where [copied] flag is useful is handling of any application
message that is not modified by the callout server. For example, virus
scanning (most messages are probably virus-free and, hence, require no
modifications). Another, more complex example is application header
manipulation for, say, anonymization purposes: only a small portion of
the application message is affected; the rest can be sent as is. A
third example is appending "company signatures" to outgoing SMTP
messages: only the tail of the message is affected.

The first example is a scenario where "getting out of the loop"  is
very beneficial provided the virus scanner can make a "no virus"
decision without seeing the entire application message. The second
example is also a scenario where "getting out of the loop"  is very
beneficial. Getting out of the loop in the third example is not



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