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Re: AW: OCP transport nomination

2003-05-06 09:51:14

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Markus Hofmann wrote:

Did we convince ourselves that this kind of XML usage is a serious
(performance) problem? So far, we mostly speculated on the overhead
and possible performance impact without having hard facts. Does
anyone have concrete numbers or measurments to share?

I do not think anybody has. Some speculate that XML introduces no
overheads. Some speculate that XML is expensive. I doubt it is
possible to answer that question in general. Is XML an issue for
reliable syslog? No, not usually. Would XML be an issue for TCP? Yes,
in many environments.

If we're not convinced that this is a big, serious problem, we might
want to move on and focus our time and effort on getting OCP done
(rather than defining a transport protocol).

This would imply that we suspect it is not a big problem. As of now,
Hilarie and Martin have argued that it is. I will try to narrow down
the disagreements in a separate message.
