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Re: Another Update

2004-10-21 17:48:38


if there is no interest to continue the work with a new charter, we should withdraw our new charter proposal and close the WG.

If there's an interest to continue, we need a discussion on this list to get the work going. AND - we need folks willing to put in the time and effort to drive the work forward.


Markus Hofmann wrote:


we heard from Ted that our new charter proposal was discussed by the IESG and no major concerns were raised. It went out for public review and will get a second IESG review at the next telechat. Based on this, let's get a discussion of the new (proposed) work items going on the mailing list.

Tony suggested to have an ananalysis of "P" vs. "Sieve". Anyone any thoughts or willing to take a first crack? Why do we need to invent a new language when there's already a language that does very similar things we want to do for email? Very valid question! [This hopefully gets some folks rolling :]

We also need to get a discussion going on SMTP Use Cases - so please post to the list of you've some thoughts on that!

Folks - it was quiet for a while. Now that we move forward with the new work items, let's get the discussions going again. Only with active participants it's worthwhile for us to continue!


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