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Re: Moving Forward

2005-08-10 17:16:56


so what would you propose is the next step after removing OCP/SMTP from the charter?

All - everyone in agreement with Martin, or does somebody see a need/interest for OCP/SMTP?


Martin Stecher wrote:

I am available for OPES protocol work and willing to act as a co-author
for OCP profile drafts.
But I am not convinced that OCP/SMTP is the next step. As there seems
to be no other interest in this we should indeed have the open SMTP
milestones to be removed from the charter, for now, IMO.
There is no current OCP/SMTP demand by the industry today.

In principle I believe that OCP has the ability to act as an universal
protocol agnostig callout protocol and that OCP/SMTP can and should be
done at some time.
But with the limited resources we have in this group today we must focus
on those adaptations that are of immediate need and use for someone.
There we can proof that OCP is a powerful, application agnostic protocol
with useful and needed protocol profiles.
Only then we can get to first implementations that may then hopefully
cut the Gordian knot we are facing today.
And after that we may be asked to return to OCP/SMTP.


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