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Re: Callout Protocol Core - Kept parameter

2006-04-25 09:56:34


Thank you for your answer.

Martin Stecher schrieb:
I am confused too and wonder why I didn't see that before.
Probably the idea was that the value of a named parameter can be a
space separated list of values and therefore the CRLF separation of
the named parameters has been introduced.
That means:

  named-value = name ":" SP value *(SP value)
From my point of view this would be the best solution to resolve this conflict.
The rule for named values could then be rewritten to:

named-value = name ":" SP anonym-parameters

So, what's the correct representation of the Kept parameter value?

As list?
|> Kept: (65,64)
Would work by syntax but I think the idea of a list is that the number
of elements is not preset.
I've used this example, because there is the following sentence in rfc4037:

|> For simplicity, preserved data is always a contiguous chunk of
|> original data, described by an (offset, size) pair using a "Kept"
|> parameter of a Data Use Mine (DUM) message.

In this sentence the Kept parameter parts where written as list. But maybe it's only a strange coincidence.
|> Kept: "65 64"
No! Quoted syntax is size colon value and not appropriate here.
Yes, you are right. The above example is syntactically invalid and should be written as "5:65 64". Anyway. It makes no sense to do this.


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