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Signing time format

1997-09-17 00:16:29
On Tuesday, September 16, 1997 8:33 PM, Paul Hoffman / IMC
[SMTP:phoffman(_at_)imc(_dot_)org] wrote:
** signing time**

Currently, signing time in 2.5.1 says it must be UTCTime, which is not Year
2000 compliant. (Can we all say "duh"?) The proposed solution is to use the
same method that PKIX part 1 does for certificates. I propose that the
wording in our draft be:

Sending agenst shall always encode signing time through the year 2049 as
UTCTime; signing times in 2050 or later shall be encoded as GeneralizedTime.

We should also clarify when you should add 1900 to the year digits for
UTCTime, and at when you should add 2000.

The wording from PKIX part 1 for UTCTime (from section is:

Conforming systems shall interpret the year field (YY) as follows:

Where YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year shall be interpreted
as 19YY; and

Where YY is less than 50, the year shall be interpreted as 20YY.

Blake C. Ramsdell
Worldtalk Corporation
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