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RE: Comment on ESS and Privacy Marks

1998-02-17 11:12:17
I'd note the following passage from the LDAP v3 spec (RFC 2251)...

The LDAPString is a notational convenience to indicate that, although
   strings of LDAPString type encode as OCTET STRING types, the ISO
   10646 [13] character set (a superset of Unicode) is used, encoded
   following the UTF-8 algorithm [14]. Note that in the UTF-8 algorithm
   characters which are the same as ASCII (0x0000 through 0x007F) are
   represented as that same ASCII character in a single byte.  The other
   byte values are used to form a variable-length encoding of an
   arbitrary character.

        LDAPString ::= OCTET STRING

The definition in the ess-02 document is aligned with this, and appears


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