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Fwd: draft-resnick-2822upd-01 posted

2007-04-26 22:12:50

Please follow the discussion on ietf-822(_at_)imc(_dot_)org(_dot_)

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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 16:55:06 -0500
To: ietf-822(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
From: Pete Resnick <presnick(_at_)qualcomm(_dot_)com>
Subject: draft-resnick-2822upd-01 posted

You may have noticed that 2822upd-01 was posted.


To make rfcdiff work, I've put a copy of RFC 2822 on my web site with some of the later sections rearranged so that they're in the same order as the current draft. You can see the diffs between the two here:


Though overall very few, there are real changes from 2822 in this document that need review. See the changes section at the bottom. I did *not* go whole hog and switch to Bruce's syntax, simply because I wanted to limit the number of changes and see if we can't get this thing to Draft along with 2821bis. But I did incorporate (hopefully all of) the corrections that you all have pointed out over the last couple of years.

Please review with a fine toothed comb. If there are more than just a few problems, perhaps I'll ask Tony Hansen or Philip Guenther (who have at assorted time offered assistance) to start an issues list.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


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Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102

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