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Re: Returning Details about Spam Evaluation when Rejecting Spam

2009-11-27 04:45:47

Tony Finch wrote:

On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
When an email is evaluated as spam and in turn is rejected during the SMTP
dialog, is it reasonable to show in the SMTP response the result of the spam
evaluation or not?

We include the complete SpamAssassin report in our 550 responses. I don't
buy the security argument, since spammers (or rather their software)
alredy know how to check their messages with SpamAssassin before letting

True, assuming a network wide usage/setting. You can also have per-site, per-user settings. Relaxed scores can be targeted. IMV, I would prefer to provide a single "Rejected by SA as Spam" response to provide the appearance of using network wide settings.


Hector Santos