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Re: [ietf-smtp] New Mailing List to discuss email canonicalization?

2016-04-15 12:23:21
John C Klensin writes:
Unless people propose to update RFC 5321 to eliminate a
requirement that has been in place from 821 and through 1123 and
2821, I don't see that there is anything to discuss.  It seems
to me that the rules are very clear, i.e., that, except on the
final delivery SMTP server, two mailboxes are equal iff:

 -- The domain parts are equal under DNS rules
        (case-independent for ASCII strings and U-label:A-label
        equivalence for IDNA strings)
 -- The local parts are equal if they are octet-by-octet

If you ask people to type in their address in a web form, the addresses will largely be typed in by people whose email addresses are case-insensitive, and many of them know it. Rather like their names and street addresses, which have proper casing but not essential casing.

You're suggesting that although the user may know the address to be case-sensitive, the software used should absolutely not consider it case-insensitive.

That sort of dissonance between user and software just isn't good.


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