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Re: Finishing the XML-tagging discussion

2000-03-20 16:46:03
Requesting yet again.  Could we please have details of this horrible
problem inflicted by the -xml suffix?

Thanks.  Without details, we can only circle.

KM>>or to put it another way, if we're going to invent a new syntatical
KM>>convention for describing content-type characteristics, let's 
KM>>pick one that actually works with content negotiation 
KM>>rather than one which requires drastic changes to content 
KM>>negotiation frameworks.

SSL>I have yet to hear what those 'drastic changes' involve.  More details
SSL>would be greatly appreciated.

I would still appreciate details describing the consquences of this risk.  


Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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