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Re: Media types

2002-01-17 16:55:28

At 04:11 PM 17/01/02 -0500, Mark Baker wrote:
Almost exactly what I was thinking.  My strawman media type was
application/xmlns-dispatch+xml (not very catchy, I know).  

None of the arguments I've read here lead me to see this as
a value-add over application/xml.  It seems we think that
applications should when processing XML resources dispatch
based on namespaces... except when they can't, which I guess
is the point of the worry about XSLT.

Yes.  If it weren't for XSLT (and that we haven't gone looking for other
cases like it), I'd be suggesting we do this with */xml and maybe +xml

What I primarily want to accomplish is documenting the rules of
containment and dispatch.  Which media type(s) we bind those too can be
determined later.

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.      mbaker(_at_)planetfred(_dot_)com

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