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Re: Requesting a revision of RFC3023

2003-09-17 10:57:05

MURATA Makoto scripsit:

This implies that XQuery should introduce its own mechanism (see [4])
and that the compact syntax of RELAX NG should introduce another.

I don't see that either of these are self-describing in the relevant sense,
any more than a C program is.

As far as I know, the charset parameter is the only generic mechanism.  I 
know the charset parameter is not working well, but I do not see any other 
generic mechanisms.

It's an acceptable mechanism when there is no internal declaration present.
It causes problems when internal declarations are or may be present.

John Cowan  jcowan(_at_)reutershealth(_dot_)com
"In computer science, we stand on each other's feet."
        --Brian K. Reid