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Re: WaveLAN Bronze and IETF wireless?

2000-03-27 21:00:01
--On Monday, 27 March, 2000 21:53 -0500 tytso(_at_)MIT(_dot_)EDU wrote:

The current theory is that the wavelan access points are configred not
to fall back to 2mbps operation.  Matt Blaze reported that he had a 2
mbps Silver card that didn't work.    According to Angelos, if there is
a single 2 mbps card in the radio network, the entire network falls back
to 2 mbps, which is why there is a configuration option to lock the
network at 11 mbps.

i'm seeing at least some of the access points fall back to 2 Mbps,
with both an 11 Mbps silver card and and a bronze turbo (5.5 Mbps?)
card. i don't have a 2 mbps card.

So for those people who are reporting that their cards don't work, it's
important to list not just whether you have a Bronze, Silver, or Gold
card (which referrs to how strong crypto is used in the rather pointless
WEP system, since everyone shares the same key), but also whether you
have a 2mbps or 11mps card.   Apparently if you have a Bronze 11mbps
card, it *will* work, and if you have a Silver 2mpbs card, it won't.

If someone has datapoints to prove or disprove this particular theory,
do speak up, but from what we were able to determine last night, this
seems to be what's going on.

the other issue last night was that at least one access point
(Hall B) wasn't willing to communicate with the default router,
although this seems to be working this morning.
