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RE: Standards development (was HTML forms)

2000-03-31 03:10:02

Thanks for your message:

In my experience, the proper way to develop standards is to
begin with a private implementation.

Private?  Anyone is welcome to my Mozilla mods if they will 
try to port them to Gecko.  Most browsers already implement 
file upload.  The only difficulty is in interfacing form 
elements to various device drivers.  Even though that does 
sound terribly difficult, it really doesn't have to be.  One 
of the most useful extensions,
     <input type=file device=console accept=text>
as shown in the examples, is intended to launch an external 
file editor on a workstation, when its corresponding widget 
is selected.  There is no reason that couldn't be used for 
microphone upload, with the widget ("Browse..." replaced 
with "Record...") launching the system's standard audio 
recording 'accessory' application.  The concept is proven, 
but the browser producers do not seem at all likely to 
provide their implemetations without affirmative advocacy 
and authority of the W3C, or the IETF.

The WebTV Plus had implemented 8000 (8-bit) sample per second 
audio microphone upload in late 1997.  Though I did the spec 
there, to this day I don't know who in WebTV engineering did 
the actual implementation or the documentation you can read 
in the WebTV Plus FAQ.


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