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Re: runumbering (was: Re: IPv6: Past mistakes repeated?)

2000-04-26 15:00:03
draft-xie-stewart-sigtran-ddp-00 addresses redundancy and failover of
sessions within a server pool, where uncoordinated failover of sessions from
one endpoint to another is a requirement.  There is signifcant overheard and
indirection added to the session to achieve this.

We seem to be discussing a simpler requirement: coordinated movement of a
session from one ip:port pair on a single endpoint to a different ip:port
pair on the same endpoint.  Windows, buffer states, sequence numbers, etc.
could all remain the same.

I would think the latter requirement could be implemented as a simple TCP
"forward me" option.  For ESP/AH-protected sessions, no TCP-level
anti-hijacking protection seems necessary.  This could even be performed if
the original IP is suddenly not available and the other endpoint hasn't
given up on the connection yet; you send a "forward me" packet sourced from
the first IP, then listen for an ACK on the new IP.

I can think of no simple way (ie. without recreating IKE&AH inside TCP) to
do this for unprotected sessions; I'm not sure it's worth the effort to
solve either.

I'm sure there's something I'm missing here, or else this would have been
implemented 15 years ago...  Thoughts?


     |          |         Stephen Sprunk, K5SSS, CCIE #3723
    :|:        :|:        Network Consulting Engineer, NSA
   :|||:      :|||:       14875 Landmark Blvd #400; Dallas, TX
.:|||||||:..:|||||||:.    Email: ssprunk(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com

----- Original Message -----
From: ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)innosoft(_dot_)com
To: Karl Auerbach
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 16:48
Subject: RE: runumbering (was: Re: IPv6: Past mistakes repeated?)

Turn it any way you want, TCP sessions can only survive renumbering
end to end mechanisms...

Which raises the interesting (to me anyway) question: Is there value in
considering a new protocol, layered on top of TCP, but beneath new
applications, that provides an "association" the life of which transcends
the TCP transports upon which it is constructed?

I believe that if we had such a protocol that it would be a useful tool to
solve many of the juggling acts that transpire under the heading of
"mobile networking" as well as providing a way to continue (or
"resume") connectivity after IP address changes.

(I will, of course, be suitably embarrassed if someone points out that
work is already going on to do this.)

