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Re: Deja Vu

2001-03-28 07:30:02

From:  Randy Bush <randy(_at_)PSG(_dot_)COM>
To:  "Donald E. Eastlake 3rd" <dee3(_at_)TORQUE(_dot_)POTHOLE(_dot_)COM>
Cc:  ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Message-Id:  <E14iFxn-0003QO-00(_at_)roam(_dot_)psg(_dot_)com>
Date:  Wed, 28 Mar 2001 08:26:15 -0500

As long as about 2/3 of the IETF attendees are from North
America, 2/3 of the meetings should be in North America.

similar logic might apply to havana.

or, as long as 2/3 of the meetings are held in north america,
2/3 of the attendees will be from north america.

Why?  When the IETF meets in Europe, 2/3 of the attendees are not
European.  When the IETF meets in Australia, 2/3 or the attendees are
not Australian or Australasian.  Of the 50 IETF meetings thus far, the
first 26 were all in North America and 25 of those in the USA, yet
enough non-North American attendance developed to warrant meetings
outside North America.

However if, for the sake of arguement, I accept your claim that
meeting location controls attendance, what is to be concluded from
that?  That the IETF should meet equally in every continent or every
country or every ITU region or something to try to force a more
policitically correct or "international" attendance?  Doesn't language
also have an effect?  If you buy the geograhic argument, shouldn't the
IETF also require a rougly equal perecnetage of comments at WG
meetings and posting to WG mailing lists to be in every language?

I reject this and believe the IETF should continue to optimize for the
accomplishment of its goals of good Internet Engineering rather than
political correctness.  Meaning no disrespect for those who travel
great distances to attend IETF meetings or who strugle with English,
that means meeting where its open participants come from and the use
of the language most common to its open participants.


 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd                    
 155 Beaver Streeet                         
 Milford, MA 01757 USA     +1 508-634-2066(h)   +1 508-261-5434(w)

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