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Re: IPv4 vs MAC

2001-07-27 11:30:03
On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 03:40:53PM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
Does no-one else still recall the world before ARP, where MAC addresses
(ie: the old 16 bit things that 3Mbit ethernet used) were embedded in the
bottom 16 bits of your class B address (no-one had anything smaller than
that of course...)

Oh my, I remember writing drivers for those beasts
back in my UC Berkeley days.  (We had a class A!)

And wondering how to deal with those new-fangled 48 bit
MAC adddresses in 10 Megabit Ethernet.  I think I
started off just taking the low 16 bits, which worked
fine when there were only 100 or so Ethernet interfaces
in existence.  (The first ARP RFC didn't come out until
after I graduated.)

As I recall, Xerox's XNS protocol used the entire MAC address
as the protocol address, which made translation easy but
routing difficult.

I feel old...


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