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Re: OK... we thought we were running out of IPv4 address space *before*..

2002-01-31 11:10:01
I have that. it is called a plastic case with little sub divisions for
every different little lego peice. 8)

Why a NetMicroWave?  so THEY can see you roast when its sealant fail?

And a netFridge... why would you wanna look at my moldy bread slice?!?
(yes, I did leave it in too long. :( )

What they need to make is a NetGlove<tm> or sumthing, carry your PDA on
your arm like a watch or replaces the watch.  no losing it or sitting on it
in your backpocket. (I havent dont that, but I know someone that did) 

hrm, netballs... n/m 

At 12:38 PM 1/30/02 -0500, Keith Moore wrote:
OK.. TCP/IP in a refrigerator... a microwave... maybe.  But Lego Blocks?

just wait until you see the Lego Block MIB.