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Re: Global PKI on DNS?

2002-06-08 13:40:01
On 6/8/02 6:22 AM, "Steven M. Bellovin" <smb(_at_)research(_dot_)att(_dot_)com> 
DNS packets are limited to 512 bytes.

No they are not.  They are limited to 64K.  Even without EDNS0, a large
response can fall back to TCP.  You know this.

Few MTUs are larger than 1500.

What is the average size of a CERT (honest question, I have no idea)?

Anyway -- the concept is called "appkeys", and has been discussed in
the dnsext working group.  Check the archives.

I thought APPKEY was addressing putting non-self-validating keys into the
DNS, relying on DNSSEC to insure a chain of trust.


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