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namedroppers, continued

2002-11-29 13:15:00
Bush stuck the following note into the top of my latest message to

   [ post by non-subscriber.  with the massive amount of spam, it is
   easy to miss and therefore delete posts by non-subscribers.  your
   subscription address is 
   please post from it or, if you wish to regularly post from an address
   that is not subscribed to this mailing list, send a message to
   namedroppers-owner(_at_)ops(_dot_)ietf(_dot_)org and ask to have the 
alternate address
   added to the list of addresses from which submissions are
   automatically accepted. ]

Okay, Bush: Put djb(_at_)cr(_dot_)yp(_dot_)to on the list of addresses from 
submissions are automatically accepted.

Furthermore: Stop publishing private subscription addresses. This
includes malicious actions by the list owner, accidents by the list
owner, failure to configure the mailing-list software to keep
subscription addresses private, etc.

Furthermore: When you want to say something to a sender, say it in an
immediate bounce message to that sender (which in this case would have
been djb-dsn-1038593019(_dot_)70455(_at_)cr(_dot_)yp(_dot_)to), not in a stupid 
editorial note
on the top of the sender's message to the list. You're perfectly aware
that many senders don't read messages to the list.

Furthermore: Stop delaying messages. The delay is unacceptable. The
excuse for the delay, namely manual review, is also unacceptable. Under
United States antitrust law, standard-setting procedures must ``prevent
the standard-setting process from being biased by members with economic
interests in stifling product competition''; your reviews plainly flunk
this test.

---D. J. Bernstein, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago

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