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Re: Printing at IETF 56

2003-03-18 08:46:55
the instructions for unix also work for macs...


On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Stuart Cheshire wrote:

The terminal room information sheet for IETF 56 includes instructions for 
how to set up printing for Windows machines, and instructions for how to 
set up printing for Unix machines, but no mention of Macs.

Does this mean that printing from Macs is not supported? On the contrary, 
it means that printing from Macs doesn't require instructions.

In the print dialog of any application on OS X 10.2, just click on the 
"Printer" popup menu, select the "Rendezvous Printers" submenu, and 
select the printer called "IETF 56 Printer".

Stuart Cheshire <cheshire(_at_)apple(_dot_)com>
 * Wizard Without Portfolio, Apple Computer, Inc.

Joel Jaeggli          Academic User Services   
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