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Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...

2003-03-26 19:36:29

--On Wednesday, March 26, 2003 20:05:11 -0600 Stephen Sprunk
<stephen(_at_)sprunk(_dot_)org> wrote:

Thus spake "Fred Baker" <fred(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>
- Customers that are stupid enough...

Someone else's stupidity is not my problem.

As a vendor, every customer problem is your problem.

Go visit some Fortune 500 customers and ask:
.  Are you aware you won't be able to get portable IPv6 addresses?
.  How would you like to renumber your entire network every year?
.  How would you like us to sell you IPv6 NATs so you'll never have to
renumber again?

Most F500 customers or similar have their own AS numbers. They can easily
become a LIR and get their own assignment. 

Most of the things making renumbering hard are issues with short-sighted
"optimisations", like host files instead of DNS, IP addresses in
applications, and similar. These all can be taken away in time -- most of
the applications that suggest this behaviour are v4-only today, and thus
NOW is the time to act decisively to get the message out: "Prepare to

As Fred wrote; it is already today possible to build with caution to make
renumbering easy. 

You as a vendor should, instead of making paint-oneself-into-corners
misbehaviour possible, make it intuitive to DTRT. 

Måns Nilsson

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