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Re: Thinking differently about the site local problem (was: RE: site local addresses (was Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...))

2003-04-01 08:08:41

--On Monday, 31 March, 2003 09:01 -0800 Bill Manning <bmanning(_at_)ISI(_dot_)EDU> wrote:

        Is may be worth noting that RIRs have -NEVER- made
presumptions    on routability of the delegations they make.

I believe that, although I remember some arguments within ARIN back when I was on the AC about whether it was legitimate or rational to make allocations that were believed to be unroutable. But I've gotten several private notes that lead me to believe that a lot of the community doesn't believe this or, more specifically, believes that everyone will fall into line and route any delegation that an RIR makes directly and, hence, that any RIR allocation will, de facto, become routable.


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