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Re: spam

2003-05-27 11:33:17
does anyone here think this will solve the problem for anybody, even
the customers of those three customers?

Their "anti-spam" efforts cause them to reject millions of legitimate
e-mails each day, so they create problems, too.


i'm wasting my time because i want this problem looked at more broadly.

What process can you suggest to distinguish spam from legitimate e-mail
with 100% reliability and no human intervention?  Find that, and you can
become a billionnaire.

i guess we're on different wavelengths.  you're talking e-mail even after
i ripped smtp from stem to sternum here yesterday.  i'm not going to try
to educate you about what smtp is or where it lives in the grand spectrum
of things.

but for the lurkers, i'll simply point out that there is no reason for
confidence in the identity of a sender, or the intentions of a relay/proxy,
or the value to the sender of the reception of the message.  all of these
can be proved in real time.  but not using smtp as it exists today.
Paul Vixie

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