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Re: You Might Be An Anti-Spam Kook If ...

2003-09-08 04:07:23

Please publish this as an RFC.  A collection of unworkable approaches
to the spam problem...

Imagine if we engineered all things in real life by first expending effort 
publishing all the ways not to engineer them.

That would be a good way to insure that nothing would ever get engineered.  It 
would *stifle* all or most production.

In mailing lists I have observed there are usually a few key guys who are sort 
of like the local bullies on the neighborhood street corner.  Their whole 
purpose in life is stifle any other boy from coming into the neighborhood and 
"stealing" (e.g. giving more opportunity to) the local girls.   Luckily they 
tend to not be very smart, else they wouldn't be wasting their time sitting 
around the local neighborhood.