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Re: accusations of cluelessness

2003-10-12 00:35:12
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 22:58:55 PDT, Christian Huitema said:
Well, who made us kings? It is one thing to work and publish designs
that hopefully will be good. It is quite another to judge someone else's
design and brand it bad. 

On the other hand, the same skills that allow us to evaluate our own
designs as workable should also be able to evaluate other's designs for
workability.  And if we find fatal flaws in a design, it is our responsibility
to say so, rather than let it be deployed in the real world.

This applies whether we are civil engineers, aeronautic designers, or
software creators.

                   It is far better to let the market be judge.

If letting the market be judge is a good idea, why is such a large percentage
of my bandwidth chewed up by emails bearing viruses?

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