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Re: [Fwd: [isdf] need help from the ietf list...can someone post this for me? or allow me to post directly?]

2003-12-21 23:54:47
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 04:33:43 -0500 (EST)
shogunx <shogunx(_at_)sleekfreak(_dot_)ath(_dot_)cx> wrote:

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Dean Anderson wrote:

People need to rely on their common sense.  This isn't a technical
problem. It is a social engineering problem. Your best bet is to read
Kevin Mitnick's book "The Art of Deception". Of course, there will be
instances were banks will send their customers emails.  But you should
treat those emails with the same degree of caution that you treat other
communications.  People are going to buy things over the net, and they'll
also get emails with links in them.  Not all of those emails are going to
be genuine.  Not all will be fake, either.

They could probably read the packet headers.

Two reasons not to or they won't be  :

(a) they could be faked

(b) how many mums and dads, grandmas and grand, joe six packs etc do you know 
who both know how to run a protocol analyser, and understand what it is saying 
? Getting them to understand and use PKI will be the first challenge before 
that one.

I'd also recommend Bruce Schneier's "Secrets and Lies, Digital Security in a 
Networked Word" and his "Beyond Fear, Thinking Sensibly about Security in an 
Uncertain World " books.


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