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Re: Death of the Internet - details at 11

2004-01-28 13:13:53
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Dave Crocker wrote:


JCK> but the only realistic solution for someone who needs high
JCK> reliability in that environment is multihoming, and there seems 
JCK> to be no hope for multihoming of small-scale networks with IPv4.

There is not much of a solution, today, for either IPv4 _or_ IPv6.

There is a good solution, and it works for IPv4. But I can't tell you what
it is, since I am making money with that knowledge, and I don't want to 
tell my competitors my business.

But I will give you a hint:  Over-consolidation doesn't scale well.  It
just creates exhorbitant executive salaries, crazy-stupid business plans
funded by VC, and opportunities for undercooked books.  The dinosaurs are
dying, and they don't know why.  To continue the metaphor, I'm small and
furry, and I don't really know why they are dying either. But I know I'm
not in the same boat.
