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Re: survey on Friday IETF sessions

2004-08-02 08:09:59
Bill Manning writes:
perhaps the reason there has not been more participation in your survey is
associated w/ the following:

"A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred."

this error could be due to the fact that I did not attend Seoul but
did attned MPLS and will attend SD. [...]

maybe not - I also got such an error, although I did attend both
IETF58 and 59.  Looks like a file permission problem.


  313 #                except:
  314 #                    cachefile = None
  315         include(filename)
  316 #            print "<!-- Cache out of date (cache: %s - dir: %s)  -->" % 
(timestr(filetime(cachename)), timestr(dirtime(".")))
  317 #            if not cachefile:
include = <function include>, filename = 

 /www/cgi-bin/ in 
  216                     if string.find(code, "\n") > -1:
  217                         exec code in execglobals, execlocals
  218                     else:
  219                         res = eval(code, execglobals, execlocals)
code = '\nimport re, time, sys, string\n\nif "submit" in 
...wresults("index.survey", tally("index.survey"))\n\n', global execglobals = 
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'args': 
{'attend-friday-afternoon': 'maybe (depends on the meeting)', 
'attend-friday-evening': 'maybe (depends on the meeting)', 
'attend-friday-morning': 'maybe (depends on the meeting)', 'contributor-58': 'I 
had no conflicts for groups I contributed to.', 'contributor-59': 'I had no 
conflicts for groups I contributed to.', 'how-schedule': 'attend the whole 
meeting?', 'ietf58-arrival': 'Before Sunday', 'ietf58-departure': 'Fri AM', 
'ietf59-arrival': 'Sun AM', 'ietf59-departure': 'Fri AM', ...}, 'basename': 
<function basename>, 'dirname': <function dirname>, 'env': 
'/survey/attendance/index.pyht'}, 'escape': <function <lambda>>, 'filetext': 
<function filetext>, 'filetime': <function filetime>, 'form': 
FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('surv...iFieldStorage('submit', 
'Submit Questionnaire')]), 'header': <function header>, ...}, execlocals = 
{'Area': 'Attendance', 'Formname': '', '__name__': 'embedded-code-at-line-50', 
'area': 'attendance', 'base': 'index', 'datenow': '01 Aug 2004 17:26', 'ext': 
'.survey', 'filebase': 'index', 'filedate': <function filedate>, 'fileext': 
'.pyht', ...}


IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'index-'
      args = (13, 'Permission denied')
      errno = 13
      filename = 'index-'
      strerror = 'Permission denied' 

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