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Re: Document review

2005-05-09 07:41:39

Do you think it's OK for the IESG to kick a draft right back to
the WG by saying

   "This is a mess and fundamentally wrong, but we don't have
    time to tell you why, so you have to go find a reviewer." ?

Yes, but...

If an I-D is really bad, it is simply not possible to do anything
approaching a reasonable review, and the IESG don't have the time or
job-skills for this.

However, they should be able to give some pointers even for an I-D they
haven't looked at in detail. Things like: the use of English is very poor;
the document needs complete restructuring; etc.

And this comment needs to come with some helpful advice, such as: ask on
the WG mailing list for someone to help edit the language; have a look at
draft-xyz.txt and see if you can use that structure.

In most cases, however, the I-D has come to the IESG after review by the
'responsible' AD. So why not boot it straight back to that AD (management
lines should be up-and-down)?

One last point. Sometimes a WG runs out of steam for a draft that is
somewhat useful, but Informational. If the draft is readable but really
needs a significant re-write then what? Either publish as it is or
acknowledge that it will probably be discarded (but still return it to the
WG just in case). - This point does not apply to Standards Track (IMHO):
such drafts must be of good quality.


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