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Re: Normative figures

2006-01-10 08:34:17
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 07:46:42PM +0000,
 Stewart Bryant <stbryant(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> wrote 
 a message of 73 lines which said:

For example you could say the following in text : router A connects
to router B and D, the cost from A to B is 2, and the cost from A to
D is 4.  Router B connects to router C. The cost to router A is 6,
and the cost to router C is 10. Router C connects to router D. The
cost to router B is 9 and the cost to router D is 8. The cost from
router D to router A is 16 and the cost to router A is 99.

Here is the Graphviz code, to compare (I also attached the
automatically produced PNG but Graphviz can make PDF or SVG as well):

// See

digraph bryantnetwork {
  label = "Stewart Bryant's network";
 // Routers
 node [shape=box, fontsize=15];

 // Links
 edge [len=2.0];
    A -> B [label="2"];
    A -> D [label="4"];
    B -> A [label="6"];
    B -> C [label="10"];
    C -> B [label="9"];
    C -> D [label="8"];
    D -> A [label="16"];
    D -> C [label="99"];

Attachment: bryant.png
Description: PNG image

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