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Re: Jabber chats (was: 2 hour meetings)

2006-03-24 09:42:11
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 07:49:46AM -0800, Michael Thomas wrote:

Maybe there's an intermediate between email and full f2f time?
Something like having well known jabber chats to simulate the
quickness of f2f conversation without having to be there? There
is some amount of precedence for this with the IESG's telechats.
They could be structured like regular wg meetings with moderation,
etc for well known ones, and the same room could be reused for
ad hoc/sidebar discussions when not in use.

Well, if we make remote participation too good, we may end up with
rather empty meeting rooms and a bankrupt IETF ;)
What we should do, given the rush of work that happens pre-ID cutoff,
is maybe look at such technology for interim meetings, and have the
IETF support some infrastructure to help interim meetings run more
effectively, maybe even without a physical meeting venue.   Some WGs
might then run more interim virtual meetings and help distribute the
workload over the year more smoothly.


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