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Re: are we willing to do change how we do discussions in IETF? (was: moving from hosts to sponsors)

2006-03-24 13:28:19
I think that Dave's message reflects a common frustration in IETF 
that we talk a lot about particular problems and never seem to do 
anything about them.

Quite so, which is why most of us feel that there should be 
a strong bias in favor of action and experimentation rather than 
inertia and analysis.

I hope you're wrong about that, because this is supposed to 
be an engineering organization.  It is infeasible to determine by 
experimentation how well a protocol will work at Internet scale.

We are talking about experimentation in ways of doing business at the scale
of an organization with approximately 2,500 or so active members. The
individual working groups have at most 100 active members. That is four
orders of magnitude less than Internet scale.

Ah, the message you replied to was talking about both.  But as I said
in that message:

I'm all for experimentation about how we run meetings as long as we
take reasonable care in designing the experiments, identify effective
ways to evaluate the results of the experiments, and leave ourselves
room to adopt a different course if we don't like the results.

and you could generalize this a bit from "how we run meetings" to
"how we conduct business".


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