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RE: The Devil's in the Deployment RE: NATs as firewalls

2007-03-05 08:14:09

From: Noel Chiappa [mailto:jnc(_at_)mercury(_dot_)lcs(_dot_)mit(_dot_)edu] 

    > From: Brian E Carpenter <brc(_at_)zurich(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com>

    > the problems that NAT causes, and that having suffcient 
address space
    > (a.k.a. IPv6) solves

This comment seems to posit that insufficient address space 
is the only thing driving deployment of NATs (other than the 
modestly effective firewalls that NAT provides), and that's 
just not correct.

Until the IETF fully understands and appreciates the forces 
which are driving the deployment of NAT boxes - which have 
been spectacularly successful in the marketplace, far more so 
than the purported official alternative - they will continue 
to eclipse said purported official alternative.

Even if those who dislike NAT are correct the problems caused can be solved 
with minor technical adjustments at the application layer.

This is not only a distraction, it is a waste of valuable political capital 
necessary to deploy IPv6.

We need the support of network and security administrators. Deciding that we 
are in a position to educate them as to the importance of the pure end-to-end 
vision is unnecessary and defeats the primary goal.

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