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Re: Role of IANA in approving assignments

2007-06-15 08:57:37
At 8:50 PM +0700 6/15/07, Robert Elz wrote:
And in this case, this is exactly the point.   IANA is the
INTERNET Assigned Numbers Authority, not the IETF Assigned Numbers
Authority - and the code points it assigns and the registries it
maintains are used by the Internet as a whole, not just that part of
it that participates in the IETF.

I agree with Sam: this is completely the wrong approach. The registries that IANA maintains have obvious constituencies. The vast majority have the IETF as a constituency; only a few (the DNS root zone) have the whole Internet as a constituency.

If a different SDO such asks IANA to start maintaining that SDO's registration, IANA should not let the IESG change the values there, and at the same time, IANA should not let the other SDO change the IETF-based registries.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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