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RE: Comments on draft-aboba-sg-experiment-02

2007-10-08 11:39:26
Yes, and this translates in IETF speech into having a viable technical
concept which is caught in a sound charter, proved resources and
community interest plus early code and individual I-Ds as very desirable
A SG process would not replace those, but could help achieve them in a
more structured manner, or alternatively help the community and the IESG
realize that it's not the case or the time for this work to happen. 


        From: Spencer Dawkins [mailto:spencer(_at_)mcsr-labs(_dot_)org] 
        Dan (and Gab) have been around the IEEE a lot more than I have,
but one of the translation issues I'm wondering about is that the
go/no-go decision in IEEE seems a lot more straighforward in IEEE than
in IETF - if you have a plausible PAR and reasonable answers to the Five
Criteria, doesn't the decision tend toward "go"? 

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