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Re: Comments on draft-aboba-sg-experiment-02

2007-10-11 10:14:50
Just for the record, if the norm ends up being "Idea --> BoF-1 --> BoF-2 --> SG --> WG," I would be very disappointed and would chalk that up under the law of unintended consequences :). I am hoping that "Idea --> SG --> WG" or "Idea --> BoF1 --> SG --> WG" in that order become the norm (where SG is involved of course), especially when proponents of new work are people who may not be regulars at the IETF.


On 10/11/2007 1:38 AM, John C Klensin wrote:
 In the notation of Lakshminath's
        recent chart, we have moved from "Idea -->  WG" being
        the normal case, to "Idea -->  BoF-1 --> BoF-2 --> WG"
        being the normal case, to some risk of making "Idea -->
        BoF-1 --> BoF-2 --> SG --> WG" normal.  Under some
        circumstances, that would be a year well spent.   Under
        others, it is just another year wasted in exploration,
        extended problem description, and procedures when the
        goal should be to do technical work and get useful
        results out (and to cut unfocused ideas and ideas with
        insufficient support out of the system with as little
        wasted time and energy as possible).

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