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Re: Revising full standards

2007-12-07 06:36:46

--On Thursday, 06 December, 2007 19:33 -0800 Eric Burger
<eburger(_at_)bea(_dot_)com> wrote:

61 of the 67 have nmemonic identifiers, like SMTP and MAIL. I
would also lean toward IETF-SMTP-2008.

A proposal from a family that, as you might recall, has been
discussed many times and gone nowhere.  Of course, as soon as
one attaches a date, one has solved a problem different from
"stable identifier for the current version of the standard".
And, of course, unless these can identify other than Full
Standards, they don't solve any of the STD problem that concerns

And, FWIW, if you think "MAIL" is the identifier for some
protocol or set of protocols, you have illustrated another
problem.  :-)

I actually have mixed feelings about interop. Part of me says
that going to Internet Standard is mostly about removing
cruft. However, in theory, a full regression test is not over
the top. I still vote for ad hoc. Let the IESG or, since there
are so few, the IAB, decide if this particular revision of
that protocol warrants a full redo of the interoperability

This works for me as long as we solve the STD problem in some
way.   And simply throwing them away so they aren't misleading
would fall into the class of options I'd consider a solution.

I'd like to hear from others.  If no one else cares, I'll just
generate an I-D/ proposal to abolish STDs on the grounds that
the 'running code' doesn't work.


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